Abstract submission deadline: September 30, 2024

Participants wishing to give an oral or poster presentation (including the invited speakers) are kindly asked to e-mail a two-page abstract (one page text, one page figures) of your presentation as a Microsoft Word document using our latest template in time for the abstract deadline to:


The abstract needs to follow the format described in the abstract template file and should contain a selection of 1-2 keywords as indicated in the template. Please save your abstract as a single DOCX (Microsoft Word document) file with the file name: (presenter's first name)_(presenter's family name).doc, and e-mail it as an attached file. Make sure that your abstract is of camera-ready quality with all fonts embedded. If you are an invited speaker, please indicate it in your e-mail message. If you are an author of a contributed paper, please indicate the preferred style of presentation (oral or poster) in your message.

Once you submit an abstract, you will receive an email reply in a few days, confirming your successful abstract submission. The abstracts of contributed papers will be peer-reviewed for their acceptance either for oral or poster presentation. Authors of contributed papers will be notified of the type of presentation and/or the poster number shortly after the submission deadline.